Espresso with ipython interface
This project was created to provide for students at the University
of Saskatchewan an interactive interface and the
scripts to use Quantum Espresso code. In the initial form the development is done
in Linux environment. The presented here QE_nipy scripts have limited
application and we are in the process of creating additional resources for more
complex calculations (project QE_nipy_advanced).
The QE_nipy (QE_nipy_advanced (described in TMS 2015 proceedings)) project on a development of the interactive interface for Quantum
Espresso code (http://www.fisica.uniud.it/~giannozz/QE-Tutorial/ – more) uses Atomic Simulation Environment library (ASE) implemented into ipython notebook (http://ipython.org/ - tutorials). The used
basic libraries are: matplotlib, scipy, numpy that are described also in other documentation.
The most
recent version of Quantum Espresso code is installed on the
listed below alliancecan.ca,
Calcul Quebec supercomputers and Plato computer at the University of Saskatchewan.
The examples of batch jobs to run Quantum Espresso are respectively shown for
each computer (no spaces in #PBS: e.g.:
Cedar (longer jobs), up to 28 days
(the fastest), up to 7 days
Graham, Beluga, up to 7 days
Plato (smaller jobs)
Quantum Espresso
has modular structure and one can run each module by typing theirs execution
name (e.g. for self-consistent calculations without geometry optimization and with geometry optimization). It is recommended to
check tutorials and other recommendations (e.g. for this
task see comments about Pulay stress) before submitting job for the first
time. Quantum Espresso has recovery option command to restart the job if it
crushed. The ready to use pseudopotentials are listed on QE
web and
additional are on THEOS web or can be generated using for example: opium.
The information about installation of ipython, in Linux environment, with the necessary
libraries, used in this project, is provided in: installation
The information about installing complete
application in Virtual Box on windows is described here. Ipython itself
can be installed also on windows http://ipython.org/install.html.
can gain experience with ipython by playing with this
simple example:
View first
example ( download source)
o activate the iPython notebook environment (path where your software is
installed e.g. ~/nipy/bin/) by typing:
source ~/nipy/bin/activate
o To start the notebook and
upload basic libraries go to the directory where you downloaded the example and
type in the command line:
ipython notebook --pylab=inline
o The web browser will
open a page with the example notebook listed. Click it.
o Click at the top Help
button and select Keyboard Shortcuts and view theirs functions
o Try for example to
execute cells in notebooks by pressing keys: Shift+Enter and so on.
tasks performed using ipython notebooks for Quantum
Espresso code installed on remote computer:
Setup of calculations of crystal
structure and electronic structure calculations on remote computer
o View
(download source)
o Exemplary
configurations for Bugaboo,
and Plato
Electronic structure
calculations (Band structure and density of states of electrons)
o View
(download source)
Geometry optimization for
non-cubic structure
o View
(download source)
Phonons (dispersion &
density of states)
o View
(download source)
Elastic constants
o View
(download source)
o In
this paper
(Section Elastic Properties) you can find formulas how to calculate the related
mechanical properties (compliancies, bulk, share and
young moduli)
Thermal expansion
o View
(download source)
Molecular Dynamics
o Note:
IR, Raman
o Note:
The restriction (in this version of ipythons) on the
names of pseudo-potentials (ipythons create the same
types pseudo-potentials names in the input for QE for different atoms) can be fixed
by first accordingly rename pseudopotentials files and next after completion of
the calculation change back the names of the files and theirs names in all
files by using in the working directory the command: grep
-lr -e "Atomiold"
. | xargs
sed -i "s/Atomiold/Atominew/g". Note
the functionals name (e.g. pz)
must be set the same in all names and also in the content of the
pseudopotentials files.
interactive Quantum Espresso (code installed on local computer) tasks performed
using ipython notebook
Setup of crystal
structure and electronic structure calculations
o View
(download source)
· QE_nipy resources available on Bugaboo.westgrid.ca supercomputer on shared directory for group wg-jerzy.
· Development site for the related tutorials, software for Unix environment (not recommended to use for installation since it is not updated for the new version of QE): [QE-util] and [Elastic], created and maintained by Dr. Pawel T. Jochym.
· Related, earlier developments of QECalc by Nikolay Markovskiy and Alexander Dementsov and ase_qe_intrfce by Luca Tornatore.
· Elastic constant calculations using ipython for VASP and SIESTA: http://wolf.ifj.edu.pl/elastic
and history:
See this document
for history and contributions.
Useful links and batch job examples
for the latest versions of commonly used software on various computers.