Dr. Barbara Szpunar, P. Eng.


  • Over 60 PROTECTED-Proprietary technical documents on the simulations for CANDU fuel (see Appendix).
  • Szpunar B., Zugic R., Poropat L., Erb U., Aust K. T. and Palumbo G., unpublished, Elastic Properties of Nanocrystalls.
  • Szpunar B, Ranasinghe J.I., Szpunar J.A, J. Mod. Phys. the special issue: "Nuclear Science and Technology", 15 (2024) DOI:10.4236/jmp.2024.1510061 , 1485- 1501, DFT Studies of Electronic Properties and Effect of He and Xe Incorporation in Selected Ceramics.
  • Szpunar B., Ranasinghe J.I., Malakkal L., and Szpunar J.A., J. Alloys Compd., 961 (2023) 71068, pp. 4, Corrigendum and extension to ‘First principles investigation of thermal properties of thorium mononitride'.,J. Alloys Compd., 879 (2021) 160467, pp. 8, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S092583882302371X?dgcid=author
  • Ranasinghe J.I., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Investigation of defects and some fission products (Kr, Xe, He, and Zr) in U3O8 with ab-initio methodologies, submitted.
  • Ranasinghe J.I., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Ab initio study of thermal conductivity in Cr-doped UO2, submitted.
  • Szpunar B., Nucl. Mater. Energy, 32 (2022) 101212, pp. 5, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nme.2022.101212, First principles investigation of the electronic-thermal transport of ThN, UN and ThC.
  • Szpunar B., Ranasinghe J.I., and Szpunar J.A., Malakkal L., J. Phys. and Chem. Solids, 165 (2022) 110647, pp. 7, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpcs.2022.110647, Comparison of the electronic transport of ThN against ThC.
  • Szpunar B., Ranasinghe J.I., and Szpunar J.A., J. Mod. Phys. the special issue: "Nuclear Science and Technology", 12 (2021) 1349-1357, DOI:10.4236/jmp.2021.1210084, Electronic transport of uranium mononitride.
  • Szpunar B., Ranasinghe J.I., Malakkal L., and Szpunar J.A., J. Alloys Compd., 879 (2021) 160467, pp. 8, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.160467, First principles investigation of thermal properties of thorium mononitride, ThN-data-thermophysical.htm
  • Ranasinghe J.I., Malakkal, Szpunar B., Prasad A., Jossou E., Szpunar J.A., Bichler L., J. Nucl. Mater., 549 (2021) 152900,  pp. 15, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2021.152900, DFT and experimental study on the thermal conductivity of U3O8 and U3O8 -X; (X = Al and Mo).
  • Szpunar B., Ranasinghe J.I., Malakkal L., and Szpunar J.A., Solid State Comm., (2021) 114131, pp. 5, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssc.2020.114131 First-principles investigation of electrons’ thermal excitations in UN, UAl2 and ThN.
  • Malakkal L., Jossou E., Ranasinghe J., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., J. of Phys. Chem. C, (2020) 24849–24860, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c07770, A density functional study of the oxidation behavior of ThN.
  • Szpunar B., Ranasinghe J.I., Malakkal L., and Szpunar J.A., J. Phys. and Chem. Solids, 146 (2020),109636, pp. 9,  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpcs.2020.109636, First principles investigation of thermal transport of uranium mononitride.
  • Ranasinghe J.I., Malakkal L., Jossou E., Szpunar B., and Szpunar J.A., J. Nucl. Mater., 540 (2020) 152359,  pp. 10, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152359, Density functional theory study of the structural, mechanical and thermal conductivity of uranium dialuminide (UAl2).
  • Jossou E., Malakkal L., Ranasinghe J.I., Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A., Comp. Mater. Sci., 172 (2020), 109324 pp. 10, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2019.109324, Thermophysical properties of (UxAm1−x)O2 MOX fuel.
  • Rahman M.J., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., J. Nucl. Mater., 532 (2020) 152050,  pp.13, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152050, Dependence of Thermal Conductivity on Fission-product Defects and Porosity in Thorium Dioxide. 
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., ASME J. of Nucl. Eng. and Rad. Sci., 6 (1) (2020) 011502, pp. 5, https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4044751, Enhanced accident tolerance of thoria-based nuclear fuels.
  • Ranasinghe J.I., Malakkal L., Jossou E., Szpunar B., and Szpunar J.A., Comp. Mater. Sci., 171 (2020), 109264 pp. 9, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2019.109264 , Comprehensive study on the electronic and optical properties of α-U3O8. (ResearchGate achievement September 23, 2019: The most read item in our department).
  • Malakkal L., Prasad A, Ranasinghe J., Jossou E., Oladimeji D., Szpunar B., Bichler L., Szpunar J., J. Nucl. Mater, 527 (2019) 151811, pp. 10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2019.151811, The effect of SPS processing parameters on the microstructure and thermal conductivity of ThO2.
  • Jossou E., Ranasinghe J.I., Malakkal L., Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A., submitted (2019) Stability of noble gases in uranium diboride: An atomic-scale study.
  • Malakkal L., Prasad A., Jossou E., Ranasinghe j., Szpunar B., Bichler L.,  Szpunar J., J. Alloys Compd., 798 (2019) 507-516, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.05.274, Thermal conductivity of bulk and porous ThO2: Atomistic and experimental study.
  • Jossou E., Malakkal, L.,  Dzade N.Y., Claisse A. , Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A.,  Phys. Chem. C. (2019) 123, 32, 19453-19467, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b03076, DFT+U study of the adsorption and dissociation of water on clean, defective and oxygen-covered U3Si2 {001}, {110}, and {111} surfaces.
  • Jossou E., Rahman M.J., Oladimeji D., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., J. Nucl. Mater, 521 (2019) 1–12, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2019.04.033,  Anisotropic thermophysical properties of U3Si2 fuel: An atomic scale study,.
  • Malakkal L., Prasad A, Oladimeji D, Jossou E., Ranasinghe J., Szpunar B., Bichler L., Szpunar J., Nature Scientific Reports 9 (2019) ISSN 2045-2322, 6326, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-42807-5, Atomistic and experimental study on thermal conductivity of bulk and porous cerium dioxide.
  • Rahman M.J., Szpunar B., Szpunar, Comp. Mater. Sci. (2019) 166, 193-199, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927025619302848, Molecular Dynamics Study of Primary Radiation Damage in PuO2 and (U0.5Pu0.5)O2.
  • Rahman M.J., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., J. Nucl. Mater., (2019) 513 8-15, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.10.038, Comparison of Thermomechanical Properties of (Ux,Th1-x)O2, (Ux,Pu1x)O2 and (Pux,Th1-x)O2 System.
  • Szpunar B., Malakkal L., Rahman J., Szpunar J.A., J. Am. Ceram. Soc., (2018) 101 (10) 4753-4762, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jace.15712, Atomistic modeling of thermo-mechanical properties of cubic SiC.
  • Jossou E., Ubong  E., Nelson  D.,  Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., (2018) 20, 4708-20,   https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2018/cp/c7cp07154j#!divAbstract, Oxidation behaviour of U3Si2: An experimental and first principles investigation.
  • Ranasinghe J.I., Szpunar B., Jossou E., Malakkal L., and Szpunar J.A., (2018) ASME J. of Nucl. Eng. and Rad. Sci., http://nuclearengineering.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/article.aspx?articleid=2678275, Study on radial temperature distribution of aluminum dispersed nuclear fuels: U3O8-Al, U3Si2-Al , and UN-Al, 4, 031020 pp.7. (ResearchGate achievement June 17, 2018: The most read research item in our department).
  • Rahman M.J., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., J. Nucl. Mater (2018) 510, 19-26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.07.049, Effect of Fission Generated Defects and Porosity on Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Thorium Dioxide.
  • Rahman M.J., Cooper M. W. D., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Comp. Mater. Sci. (2018) 154, 508-516, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2018.08.024, Primary Radiation Damage on Displacement Cascades in UO2, ThO2, and (U0.5Th0.5)O2.
  • Szpunar B., Malakkal L., Chung S., Nateen M., Jossou E. and Szpunar J.A., MATEC Web of Conferences 130 (2017) 03001, https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201713003001, Accident tolerant composite nuclear fuels (Best Paper Award ).
  • Oladimeji Dotun, Malakkal Linu, Szpunar Barbara, Jossou Ericmoore, and Szpunar Jerzy, Int. J. of Metall. and Met. Phys., (2017), 2:006, http://vibgyorpublishers.org/content/international-journal-of-metallurgy-and-metal-physics/ijmmp-2-006.pdf, First principles study of thermal transport properties of gallium phosphide.
  • Jossou E., Oladimeji D., Malakkal L., Middleburgh S., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., J. Nucl. Mater, (2017), 494, 147-156, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.07.027, First-principle study of defects and fission product behaviour in uranium diboride.
  • Rahman M. J., Szpunar B., Szpunar J. A., Mater. Res. Express, (2017) 4, 075512, 1-8, https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/aa7c34, The Induced Anisotropy in Thermal Conductivity of Thorium and Cerium Dioxide.
  • Jossou E., Malakkal L., Szpunar B., Oladimeji D., Szpunar J.A., J. Nucl. Mater., (2017), 490, 41-48, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.04.006, A first principles study of the electronic structure, elastic and thermal properties of UB2.
  • Malakkal L., Szpunar B., Siripurapu R.K., R.K., Zuniga J., Szpunar J.A., Solid State Sciences (2017) 65, 79-87, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2017.01.005, Thermal conductivity of wurtzite and zinc blende cubic phases of BeO from ab initio calculations.
  • Malakkal L., Szpunar B., Siripurapu R.K., Szpunar J.A., Comput. Mater. Sci. (2017) 128, 249-256, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2016.11.040, Thermal conductivity of bulk and nanowire of cubic-SiC  from ab initio calculations.
  • Fayea O., Szpunar J.A., Szpunar B., Beyeb A.C., Appl. Surf. Sc. (2017) 392, 362-374, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.09.032, Hydrogen adsorption and storage on Palladium -functionalized graphene with NH-dopant: A first principles calculation.
  • Choudhary A., Malakkal L., Siripurapu R.K., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. (2016) 41, 17652–17656, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.07.147, First Principles Calculations of Hydrogen Storage on Cu and Pd-decorated Graphene.
  • Malakkal L., Szpunar B., Siripurapu, R.K., Zuniga J., Szpunar J.A., Int. J. Comput. Mater. Sci. and Eng. (2016) 1650008, pp. 15, http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S2047684116500081, First Principle calculation of thermo-mechanical properties of Thoria using Quantum Espresso.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 5 (2016) 1494-1497, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jace.14068, First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Studies of Oxygen Sublattice Melting in Thoria.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Sim Ki-Seob, J. Phys. and Chem. Solids, 90 (2016) 114-120, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpcs.2015.10.011, Theoretical investigation of structural and thermo-mechanical properties of thoria.
  • Siripurapu R.K., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., International Journal of Nuclear Energy (2014) 2014, 912369, pp. 6, https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijne/2014/912369/, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/912369, Molecular Dynamics Study of Hydrogen in a-Zirconium.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., International Journal of Nuclear Energy (2014) 2014, 178360 pp. 7. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijne/2014/178360/, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/178360, Thermal conductivity of uranium nitride and carbide. (ResearchGate achievement May 1, 2020: The most read research item in our department).
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Solid State Sciences (2014) 36, 36-40, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2014.07.004 , Theoretical investigation of structural and thermo-mechanical properties of thoria up to 3300 K temperature.                                                                                                 
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Materials, Methods & Technologies (2014) 8, 741-750, http://www.scientific-publications.net/get/1000002/1401705428319451.pdf , Thermal Conductivity in improvement of Safety of Nuclear Fuel.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Phys. Int. (2013) 4 (2), 110-119, http://dx.doi.org/10.3844/pisp.2013.110.119, Thoria Ehancement of Nuclear Reactor Safety.
  • Szpunar B., Rangacharyulu C., Date' S. and Ejiri H., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A (2013) No. 729, 41-50, (erratum), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2013.06.106 , Estimate of Production of Medical Isotopes by Photo-Neutron Reaction at the Canadian Light Source.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Milman V., Goldberg A., Solid State Sciences, 24 (2013) 44-63, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2013.06.013 , Implication of volume changes in uranium oxides: A density functional study.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., J. Phys. and Chem. Solids, 74 (2013) No. 11, 1632-9, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpcs.2013.06.007 , Density Functional Studies of Selected Metal Dioxides.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., J. Nucl. Mater., 439 (2013) 243-250, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2012.10.009 , Application of Density Functional Theory in Assessing Properties of Thoria and Recycled Fuels.
  • Szpunar B., J. Nucl. Sci. and Technol., 49 (2012) No. 12, 1186-1192, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00223131.2012.739348 , Assessment of the Models of Urania Fuel Oxidation in Steam-rich Atmosphere.
  • Szpunar B., J. Phys. and Chem. Solids, 73 (2012) 1003-9, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpcs.2012.03.007, Investigation of urania within LDA+U method.
  • Szpunar B., Smith R.W., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 22 (2010) 035105.1-6, http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0953-8984/22/3/035105 , Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Diffusion of a Very Diluted Solute (Au) and Self-diffusion of Solvent (Cu).
  • Smith R.W., Scott P.J., and Szpunar B., Interdisciplinary Transport Phenomena: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1161 (2009) 526–536, Solute Diffusion in Nonionic Liquids—Effects of Gravity (selfie with austronaut).
  • Lewis B. J., Szpunar B. and Iglesias F. C., J. Nucl. Mater., 306 (2002) 30-43, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0022-3115(02)01231-X, Fuel oxidation and thermal conductivity model for operating defective fuel rods.
  • Szpunar B., Lewis B. J., Arimescu V. I., Dickson R. S. and Dickson L.W., J. Nucl. Mater., 294 (2001) 315-329, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0022-3115(01)00422-6, Multi-component gas transport in the fuel-to-clad gap of candu fuel rods during severe accidents.
  • Szpunar B., Lewis L.J., Swainson I., Erb U., Phys. Rev. B60 (1999) 10107-10113, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.60.10107, Thermal expansion and hydrogen diffusion in nanocrystalline nickel.
  • Aus M. J., Cheung C., Szpunar B., Erb U. and Szpunar J., J. Mater. Lett. 17 (1998) 1949-1952, Saturation Magnetization of Porosity free Nanocrystalline Coobalt.
  • Szpunar B., Aus M., Cheung C., Erb U., Palumbo G., Szpunar J., J. Magn. Magn. Mat., 187 (1998) 325-336. Magnetism in nanostructured Ni-P and Co-W alloys.
  • Erb U., Palumbo G., Szpunar B. and Aust K.T., Nanostructured Materials, 9 (1997) 261-270, Electrodeposited vs. consolidated nanocrystals: differences and similarities.
  • Zugic R., Szpunar B., Krstic V.D., Erb U., Phil. Mag., 75 (1997) 1041-1055, Effect of Porosity on Elastic Response; An Embedded-Atom Method (EAM) Approach.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith R., Can. Metall. Quarterly, 35 (1996) 299-303, DOI: 10.1016/0008-4433(96)00006-7, Monte Carlo Simulation of Solidification Processes. Porosity.
  • Szpunar B., Erb U., Palumbo G., Aust K.T., Lewis L.J., Phys. Rev. B53 (1996) 5547-5556, Magnetism in Complex Atomic Structures: Grain Boundaries in Nickel.
  • Szpunar B., Can. Metall. Quarterly, 34 (1995) 281-286, DOI: 10.1016/0008-4433(95)00013-n, Modelling the influence of structural and compositional disorder on the magnetic properties of grain boundaries.
  • Aus M.J., Szpunar B., Erb U. ,El-Sherik A.M., Palumbo G. and Aust K.T., J. Appl. Phys. 75 (1994) 1-6, Electrical Resistivity of Bulk Nanocrystalline Nickel.
  • Szpunar B., Physica C213 (1993), 389-393, Periodic boundary cluster calculations for various solid C60 structures.
  • Aus M.J., Szpunar B., El-Sherik A.M., Erb U., Palumbo G. and Aust K.T., Scripta Metall. 27 (1992), 1639-1643, Magnetic Properties of Bulk Nanocrystalline Nickel.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V.H. Jr., Phys. Rev. B45 (1992), 10616-10621, Electronic Structure of Bi4Sr4Ca2-xYxCu4O16 (x=0,1).
  • Szpunar B., Physica C193 (1992), 55-62, The influence of deformation twin boundaries and doping on the electronic structure of CaCuO2.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V.H. Jr., Phys. Rev. B44 (1991), 7034-7041, Magnetism and Electronic Structure in YBa2Cu3O6 and YBa2Cu3O7.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V.H. Jr.,Physica B163 (1990) 29-33, Antiferromagnetism and Semiconductivity.
  • Szpunar B., Smith V. H. Jr. and J. Spalek, Physica C161 (1989) 503-511, Electronic Structure of Antiferromagnetic La2NiO4 and La1.5Sr0.5NiO4 Systems.
  • Szpunar B., Smith V. H., Jr, J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM) (P.- O. Löwdin Issue) 199 (1989) 313-326, Antiferromagnetism in Copper Oxide Planes.
  • Szpunar B., Smith V. H., Jr, Smith R. W., J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM) 202 (1989) 347-361, Magnetism and Electronic Structure in the (123) and (2212) Copper Oxides.
  • Szpunar B., Smith V. H., Jr., Smith R. W. ,Int. J. Quantum Chem. S22 (1988) 33-42, Itinerant Magnetism in High T Superconductors: YBa2Cu3O6 and Related Structures.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V. H., Jr., Phys. Rev. B37 (1988) 2338-2340, Electronic Properties and Magnetism in High Tc Superconductors,.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V. H., Jr., Phys. Rev. B37 (1988) 7525-7528, Linear Muffin Tin - Orbital Atomic - Sphere Approximation Calculations of the Electronic Structure of YBa2Cu3O7 and YBa2Cu3O6.
  • Szpunar B., Smith V. H., Jr. and Smith R. W., Physica C1 (1988) 91-98, Electronic Structure of Antiferromagnetic YBa2Cu3O6.
  • Szpunar B. and Wallace W. E., Phys. Rev. B35 (1987) 1988-1992, Calculations of the Local Orbital Moments in Y2Co17 Using the Recursion Method.
  • Szpunar B., Wallace W. E., Szpunar J. A., Phys. Rev. B36 (1987), 3782-3790, The Local Spin and Orbital Moment in Nd2Fe14B and Y2Fe17.
  • Szpunar B., J. Less-Common Met. 127 (1987) 55-59, The Local Spin and Orbital Moments and the Local Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy in Intermetallic Compounds.
  • Szpunar B., Strange P., Wallace W. E., J. Less-Common Met. 128 (1987) 143-153, Binding Energy and Magnetism of Transition Metal Hydrides.
  • Atherton D. L., Szpunar B., Szpunar J. A.,IEEE Trans. on Mag. MAG-23 (1987) 1856-1865, A New Approach to Preisach Diagrams.
  • Szpunar J. A., Atherton D. L. and Szpunar B., IEEE Trans. on Mag. MAG-23 (1987) 300-305, Analysis of the Irreversible Processes of Magnetization in Steel.
  • Szpunar B., Atherton D. L., Schonbachler M.,IEEE Trans. on Mag.,MAG-23 (1987) 3199-3201, An Extended Preisach Model for Hysteresis Processes.
  • Atherton D. L., Szpunar B. and Sullivan S., Mat. Evaluat. 45 (1987) 1083-1086, The Application of Finite Element Calculations to the Remote Field Inspection Techniques.
  • Szpunar B. and Wallace W. E., Lanthanide and Actinide Res.,1 (1986) 335-350, Unquenched Orbital Angular Momentum and Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of YCo5.
  • Szpunar B., Wallace W. E., Strange P., J. Less-Common Met. 123 (1986) 37-45, The Spin-Polarized Electronic Structure Calculations for Nickel and Nickel Hydrides.
  • Szpunar B., Physica B130 (1985),29-33, Density of States and Magnetic Properties of YCo5 , Y2Co17.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J., J. Appl. Phys.57 (1985) 4130-4132, Applications of the Recursion Method to Calculation of the Local Moments in Nd2Fe14B.
  • Szpunar B. J. Mag. and Mag. Mat. 49 (1985) 93-100, The Magnetic Properties of Surface Atoms of Cobalt Particles.
  • Szpunar J., Szpunar B., J. Appl. Phys. 57 (1985) 4232-4234, Modeling of the Ferromagnetic Hysteresis in Textured and Strained Steel.
  • Szpunar J., Szpunar B., J. Appl. Phys. 57 (1985) 4237-4237, Domains in Constructional Steel: Theory and Experiment.
  • Szpunar J. A. and Szpunar B., J. Appl. Phys. 58 (1985) 4465-4467, Simple Model of the Magnetic Interaction Between Grains in Construction Steel.
  • Szpunar J. A. and Szpunar B., IEEE Trans. on Mag. MAG-21 (1985) 2613-2619, Magnetic Domains in Construction Steel.
  • Szpunar B. and Dawber P. G., J. Non-Cryst. Sol. 61&62 (1984) 1413-1418, A modified CPA Theory for Amorphous and Crystalline Alloys for Constituents of Different Band Structure.
  • Corner W. D., Szpunar B., Fort D., Jones D.W., J. Mag. and Mag. Mat. 42 (1984) 163-166, The Temperature Dependence of Magnetization of Gd - Tb Alloys.
  • Paige D. M., Szpunar B. and Tanner B. K., J. Mag. and Mag. Mat. 44 (1984) 239-248, The Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of Cobalt.
  • Szpunar B. and Szpunar J., IEEE Trans. on Mag. MAG-20 (1984),1882, Applications of a Mean Field Theory to the Description of Changes in the Magnetic Properties of Plastically Deformed Steel.
  • Szpunar B. and Szpunar J., IEEE Tans. on Mag. MAG-20 (1984),1490, A Model for the Calculation of the Magnetization in Textured Polycrystalline Materials with High Cubic Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J., J. Mag. and Mag. Mat. 43 (1984) 317-326, Magnetic Properties of Textured Fine Particle Magnets.
  • Szpunar B., J. Phys. F12 (1982) 759-64, Application of the CPA and Continued Fraction Method to Calculate the Density of States and Magnetic Moment in YCo5 Compounds.
  • Szpunar B., J. Magn. Mat. 29 (1982) 147-150, Modified CPA Theory as the Method for Calculation of the Density of States for Materials Having Complex Crystal Structures.
  • Szpunar B., Acta Phys. Pol. A60 (1981) 783-789, The Influence of Crystal Structure On the Electronic Structure for Tight Binding Bands.
  • Szpunar B., Acta Phys. Pol. A60 (1981) 791-798, Magnetic Anisotropy of SmCo5 - a Case of Strong J Mixing.
  • Szpunar B., Acta Phys. Pol. A55 (1979) 791-794, Theoretical Calculation of the Mean Magnetic Moment in Dy1-xFex, Y1-xFex Intermetallic Compounds.
  • Lingard P. A., Szpunar B., J. Magn. Mat. 7 (1978) 124-126, CPA Calculations of Moments and Transition Temperatures of Rare Earth and Rare Earth - Transition Metal alloys.
  • Szpunar B., Kozarzewski B., Acta Phys. Pol. A51 (1977) 125-130, On the Magnetization of Rare Earth - Transition Metals Alloys.
  • Szpunar B., Kozarzewski B., Phys. Stat. Sol. 82B (1977) 205-211, The Applications of CPA to Calculations of the Mean Magnetic Moment in Gd1-xNix , Gd1-xCox and Y1-xCox Intermetallic Compounds.
  • Szpunar B., Lindgard P. A., Phys. Stat. Sol. 82B (1977) 449-456, Theory of Temperature Dependence of the Magnetization in Rare Earth - Transition Metal alloys.
  • Szpunar B., Krop K., Met. & Odl. 1(3) (1975) 315-325, The Relaxation Time of Superparamagnetic Particles with Cubic Anisotropy in External Magnetic Field.
  • Szpunar B., Europh. Lett., 18 (1992), 445-449, DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/18/5/012, Electronic Structure Calculations for C60 - FCC (Rb).
  • Szpunar B., Phys. Lett. A115 (1986), 157-160, A Method for the Calculation of the Orbital Moments for Complex Crystal Structures.
  • Szpunar B., Strange P., J. Phys. F15 (1985), L165-L169, On the Axial Ratio, Electronic Structure and Magnetic Moment of Cobalt.
  • Szpunar B., Phys. Lett. 102A (1984) 63-65, The Temperature Dependence of the Anisotropy Constants for Nickel.
  • Szpunar B., Lingard P. A., J. Phys. F9 (1979) L55-L59, http://iopscience.iop.org/0305-4608/9/3/003/pdf/0305-4608_9_3_003.pdf, On the Origin of the Large Magnetic Anisotropy of Rare Earth - Cobalt Compounds.
  • Szpunar B., in preparation: Monograph, Laser Electron Scatter Photons at Light Sources; New Tools for Nuclear Waste Management and Medical Isotope Research, eds. C. Rangacharyulu, S. Daté and B. Szpunar, invited talk at Laser Electron Scatter Photons at Light Sources for Nuclear & Allied Research Workshop, CLS, Saskatoon, Canada, April 21-23rd (2010), Monte Carlo simulations of artificial transmutation for nuclear waste management, medical isotope production and photo fission.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Proceedings of 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Symposium: Seaborg Institutes: Emerging Topics in Actinide Sciences, Las Vegas, March 23-27, DFT studies of electronic properties and swelling of selected high density fuels.

·        Szpunar B, Ranasinghe J.I., Szpunar J.A , COSIRES 2024,The 16th Conference of COmputer Simulation of IRradiation Effects in Solids, Kingstone, June 16-21, 2024, , DFT studies of selected metallic fuels: from electronic properties to swelling (Abstract).

·       Ranasinghe J.I., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., CNS, 43rd Annual Conference from June 16 to 19, 2024, Saskatoon, Thermal conductivity of molybdenum and molybdenum-doped U3O8  fuels.

  •  Ranasinghe J.I., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems – Water Reactors, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, August 6-10, 2023, 72_0704092741, Urania fuel degradation to U3O8 and point defects and fission products studies.
  • Szpunar B., Proceedings of the 2023 Water Reactor Fuel Performance Meeting 2023, 18-21 July 2023, Xi’an, China, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024, eBook ISBN 978-981-99-7157-2, Print ISBN 978-981-99-7156-5, THN’s LATTICE-ASSISTED THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY REVISITED.
  • Szpunar B., Ranasinghe J.I.,  Szpunar J.A., Malakkal L., Proceedings of the CNS’s 15th International Conference on CANDU Fuel, 2022, August 21-24, Ajax,  Canada, SMR, Canadian, T6-2, DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF UN, THN, AND THC.

·        Szpunar B., Ranasinghe J.I.,  Malakkal L.,  Szpunar J.A., The 6th Nuclear Materials Conference, 26-30 October 2020 , Online Event, 2020, First principles investigation of thermal transport of uranium mononitride .(Abstract)

  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., 14th International Conference on CANDU Fuel, “Powering a Greener Future with Advanced Fuel Cycles”, Hilton Meadowvale, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada 2019 July 21-24, Structural Stability of SiC.
  • Ranasinghe J. I., Malakkal L., Szpunar B., Jossou E. and Szpunar J.A., 14th International Conference on CANDU Fuel, “Powering a Greener Future with Advanced Fuel Cycles”, Hilton Meadowvale, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada 2019 July 21-24, First Principles Study on Thermal Conductivity of U3O8.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., 8th International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Science and Engineering, October 9-11, 2018, Ottawa, Canada, ENHANCED ACCIDENT TOLERANCE OF THORIA-BASED NUCLEAR FUELS.
  • Jossou E., Dzade N., Szpunar B, Szpunar J.A., 8th International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Science and Engineering, October 9-11, 2018, Ottawa, Canada, Oxidation behaviour of U3Si2: An Ab Initio Study.
  • Ranasinghe J.I., Szpunar B.,Szpunar J.A., 38th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, Conference Proceedings, Saskatoon, Canada, June 3-6 (2018), FIRST PRINCIPLES STUDY ON GROUND STATE PROPERTIES OF UAL2.
  • Malakkal L., Jossou E., Ranasinghe J.I., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., 38th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, Conference Proceedings, Saskatoon, Canada, June 3-6 (2018), A density functional study of the oxygen adsorption on the ThN {100}, {110} and {111} surfaces.
  • Szpunar B., Malakkal L., Rahman M.J., Jossou E., Szpunar J.A., 38th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, Conference Proceedings, Saskatoon, Canada, June 3-6 (2018), MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THORIA, URANIA AND THEIR MIXTURE.
  • Rahman M.J., Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A., 38th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, Conference Proceedings, Saskatoon, Canada, June 3-6 (2018), THERMO-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF PuO2, UO2 AND U0.5Pu0.5O2.
  • Szpunar B., Malakkal L., Chung S., Nateen M., Jossou E. and Szpunar J.A., Proceedings of the 2017 the International Conference on Composite Material, Polymer Science and Engineering (CMPSE), June 24-25, 2017, Toyama, Japan, MP145, MATEC Web of Conferences"(ISSN Online: 2261-236X), Accident tolerant composite nuclear fuels (Best Paper Award ).
  • Ranasinghe J., Szpunar B., Jossou E., Malakkal L., and Szpunar J.A., Proceedings of the 2017 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE25, July 2-6, 2017, Shanghai, China, Composite Versus Dispersed Accident Tolerant Nuclear Fuels.
  • Szpunar B., Malakkal L., Jossou E., Szpunar J.A., Materials for Nuclear Energy Proceedings of 2017 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego February 26 – March 2, 2017, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-51647-9, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-52333-0, Part XIV Materials for Nuclear Energy: Accident Tolerant Fuels & Irradiation Effects, 367-376, First Principles Investigations of Alternative Nuclear Fuels.
  • Malakkal L., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Materials for Nuclear Energy Proceedings of 2017 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego February 26 – March 2, 2017, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-51647-9, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-52333-0, Part XIV Materials for Nuclear Energy: Accident Tolerant Fuels & Irradiation Effects, 377-386, Comparative Study of Thermal Conductivity of SiC and BeO from Ab Initio Calculations (already 400 reads achieved on May 28, 2017).
  • Szpunar B., Malakkal L., Jossou E., Oladimeji D., RanasingheJ., Rossland I. and Szpunar J.A., 13th International Conference on CANDU Fuel, Conference Proceedings, Kingston, August 15-18 (2016), First Principles Studies of Thermal Conductivity of Nuclear Fuel Materials.
  • Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A., 36th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, Conference Proceedings, Toronto, Canada, W3B, June 19-22 (2016), First Principles Molecular Dynamics Studies of Oxygen Sub-Lattice Melting in Thoria.
  • Chauhan A., Szpunar J.A., Szpunar B., Saini V.K., Chicoine M., Griffiths M., 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Technology for Manufacturing Growth, August 1-2, 2015, in Vancouver, Canada, ISBN 978-1-61275-074-3, IERI & PRESS, 178-181, Helium based degradation of Nickel Superalloys.
  • Szpunar B., Malakkal L., Siripurapu R., Szpunar J., Zuniga J., 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Technology for Manufacturing Growth, August 1-2, 2015, in Vancouver, Canada, ISBN 978-1-61275-074-3, IERI & PRESS, 165-169, Multi-scale Simulation of Thoria-SiC Composites.
  • Malakkal L., Szpunar B., Zuniga J., Siripurapu R., Szpunar J., 3rd World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering, TMS, May 31st-June 4th, 2015, Colorado Springs, ISBN 978-1-119-13949-2, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Haboken, New Jersey, 155-162, An Interface to Quantum ESPRESSO.
  • Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A., The 19th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Vancouver, August 24-28th, 2014, PBNC2014-124, Thoria Versus Urania Comparison.
  • Szpunar B., The 1st Annual International Conference on Physics & Chemistry, 22-25 July 2013, Athens, Greece, ATINER’S Conference Paper Series, No: PHY2013-0527, ISSN 2241-2891, http://www.atiner.gr/papers/PHY2013-0527.pdf , Multidisciplinary Reactor Safety Studies: Application of First Principles Calculation.
  • Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A., Proc. of the 8th Pacific Rim International Congress on Advanced Materials and Processing, A. Materials for Energy, 65- 69, Ed. by F. Marquis, TMS, Wiley, August 4-9, 2013, Waikoloa, Hi, First Principles Studies of Mechanical Properties of Thoria.
  • Kiran R., Szpunar J.A. and Szpunar B., Proc. of the 8th Pacific Rim International Congress on Advanced Materials and Processing, L. Modeling and Simulation of Processes, Microstructures, and Behavior, 3119-3126, Ed. F. Marquis, TMS, Wiley, August 4-9, 2013, Waikoloa, Hi, Molecular Dynamics Study of Zirconium and Zirconium Hydride.
  • Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A., Ki-Seob Sim, Proc. of the 24th CANCAM Conference, Saskatoon, Canada, June 2-6, 2013, Application of Density Functional Theory in Assessing Elastic Properties of Thoria
  • Kiran R., Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A., Proc. of the 24th CANCAM Conference, Saskatoon, Canada, June 2-6, 2013, Investigation of Interfacial Cracking of Hydride in Zirconium.
  • Szpunar B. The second FLUKA advanced course and workshop, Triumf, Vancouver, September 15-20, 2012, The workshop web-site (https://www.fluka.org/free_download/course/triumf2012/Workshop/Szpunar.pdf), A Simple Estimate of Production of Medical Isotopes by Photo-Neutro Reaction at the Canadian Light Source.
  • Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A., 33rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, Saskatoon, Canada, 2D/131, June 10-13 (2012), Properties of Recycled Fuels; Density Functional Theory Study.
  • Szpunar B., Rangacharyulu C., Date' S. and Ejiri H., 33rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, Saskatoon, Canada, 3A/138, June 10-13 (2012), A Simple Estimate of Production of Medical isotopes by Photo-neutron Reaction at the Canadian Light Source.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Oh D., 11th International Conference on CANDU Fuel, Conference Proceedings, Niagara Falls, Canada, October 17-20 (2010), T2, Structural and Mechanical Properties of Urania Oxidized to U3O8.
  • Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A., Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Uranium, 40th Annual Hydrometallurgy Meeting, Uranium, Saskatoon, Canada, edited by E.K. Lam, J.W. Rowson, E. Õzberk,  August 15-18 (2010), 177-187, Theoretical Investigation of Structural and Mechanical Properties of Uranium Oxides.
  • Szpunar B. The first FLUKA advanced course and workshop, Ericeira, Portugal, October 4-8, 2010, The workshop web-site (https://www.fluka.org/free_download/course/portugal2010/Workshop/Szpunar.pdf) Simulation of photon-nuclear interaction in production of medical isotopes and transmutation of nuclear waste.
  • Szpunar B. and Rangacharyulu C., The 4th Yamada Symposium on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution 2010, invited, The proceedings web page (http://www.yamadazaidan.jp/ys/apse2010) with abstract and the PPT file, June 14-18, 2010, Osaka Japan, XV, The present and perspectives of CLS and nuclear transmutation.
  • Szpunar B. and Rangacharyulu C., 31st Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, Montreal, Canada, T16, May 24-27 (2010), Photo Production of Isotopes for Medical and Industrial Usages.
  • Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A.,The 30th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, Calgary, Canada, T3, May 31 - June 3 (2009), The Crystal structure and Elastic Properties of Pure and Dy Doped Urania.
  • Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A.,The 30th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T3, May 31 - June 3 (2009), Onset of the Local Magnetic Moment on Nb in Zirconia.
  • Szpunar B., Dickson R.S., 10th International Conference on CANDU Fuel, Conference Proceedings, Ottawa, October 5-8 (2008), Fuel oxidation in steam-rich gas mixtures
  • Szpunar B., Baskes M.I., J.A. Szpunar and Jochym P.T., 9th Int. Conf. on CANDU fuel, Belleville, Ontario,(2005 September 18-21), Conference Proceedings, Atomistic simulations of Zr-O-H systems.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A, CNS 6th International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Engineering, Montreal, 3C (2004 October 13-15), Conference Proceedings, The Crystal Structure of pure and doped Urania.
  • Szpunar B., Baskes M.I. and Jochym P.T., 8th Int. Conf. on CANDU fuel, Delawana Inn, Honey Harbour, Ontario,(2003 September 21-24), Conference Proceedings, OXYGEN AND HYDROGEN DIFFUSION IN ZIRCONIA.
  • Lewis B. J., Szpunar B. and F. C. Iglesias, 7th International Conference on CANDU Fuel, 2001 September 23-27, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Conference Proceedings vol. 1, 311-328, Fuel Oxidation and Thermal Conductivity Model for Operating Defective Fuel Rods.
  • Szpunar B., Lewis B. J., Arimescu V. I., Dickson R. S., Dickson L. W. and M. I. Baskes, 7th International Conference on CANDU Fuel, 2001 September 23-27, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Conference Proceedings vol. 1, 329-352, Multi-Component Gas Transport in Candu Fuel Rods During Severe Accidents.
  • Lewis B. J., Szpunar B., Seminar on Fission Gas Behaviour in Water Reactor Fuels, Cadarache, France, September 26-29, 2000 (invited), Modelling of Fuel Oxidation Behaviour in Operating Defective Fuel Rods.
  • Szpunar B., Aus M. J., Renaud E., Erb U., Czerwinski F. and Szpunar J. A., Montreal, August 9-13, 1999, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Textures of Materials, ICOTOM-12, 560-567. Modelling Texture Influence on The Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Nickel and Iron.
  • Erb U., Palumbo G., Szpunar B. and Aust K. T., Third International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, Kona, Hawaii, July 8-12, 1996, E-2.- Electrodeposited vs. Compacted Nanocrystals: Differences and Similarities.
  • Czerwinski F., Foucard C., Szpunar J. A, Aust M., Szpunar B., Cheung C. and Erb U., Third International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, Kona, Hawaii, July 8-12, 1996, E-2.- Application of Atomic Force Microscopy for Morphological and Magnetic Characterization of Nanocrystalline Ni-Fe Electrodeposits.
  • Turi Maria-Lynn, Zugic R., Szpunar B., Erb U., Palumbo G. and Krstic V., Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Boston, November 29 - December 3, 1994, L9.10, v. 364 (1995) 737 - Atomistic Simulation of Grain Boundaries of the Twin Limited Structure in Ni3Al.
  • Szpunar B., Zugic R., Erb U. and Lewis L. J., 33rd Annual Conference of Metallurgist, Toronto, August 20 to 25, 1994, Special issue of the Canad. Metall. Quarteerly, 1995, 94, 281. - Modelling the Influence of the Structural and Compositional Disorder on the Magnetic Properties of Grain Boundaries.
  • Szpunar B., Erb U., Lewis L. J., Aust K. T., Palumbo G., Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Boston, November 29 - December 3, 1993, Ca10.5. v. 318, 477 - The Influence of Grain Boundary Structural Disorder on the Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Nickel.
  • Aus M.J., Szpunar B., Erb U. , J., Aust K. T. and Palumbo G., Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Boston, November 29 - December 3, 1993, Ca1.8 v. 318, 39 - Electrical, Magnetic and Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystalline Nickel.
  • EL-Sherik A. M. , Erb U., Krstic V., Szpunar B., Aus M. J,, Palumbo G. and Aust K. T., Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Nanophase and Nanocomposite Materials, Boston, 1-3 December, 1992, 286, 173-178, Effect of Porosity on Properties of Nanocrystalline Materials.
  • Szpunar B., Smith V. H., Jr. and Hamada N., The Univ. of Miami Workshop, January 3-9 (1991) High-Temperature Superconductivity, Ed. by J. Ashkenazi et al., Plenum Press, New York, 1991, p. 591-596. Self - Energy Corrections for NiO.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V. H., Jr., Port. Physica, 19 (1988) 225-228. The Influence of Inequivalent Cobalt Sites on the Spin and Orbital Magnetic Moments in YCo5.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V. H., Jr., Port. Physica, 19 (1988) 229-232, Electronic and Magnetic Structure of Superconducting Copper Oxides.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V. H. Jr., Sagamore IX Conference on Charge, Spin and Momentum Densities, 26June-2 July 1988, The Influence of Inequivalent Cobalt Sites on the Spin and Orbital Magnetic Moments in YCo5 .
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V. H. Jr., Sagamore IX Conference on Charge, Spin and Momentum Densities, 26June-2 July 1988, Antiferromagnetism in Semiconductors Related to High Transition Temperature Superconducting Copper Oxides.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V. H., Jr., Proceedings of Supercomputing Symposium 88, 19-21 June 1988,117-126. The Use of Supercomputers for the Study of Magnetism in High Tc Superconductors.
  • Atherton D. L., Szpunar B., Sullivan S.,Proceedings of Workshop on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Schenectady, October 20-21, V.1 (1987) D31-D35, Finite Element Calculations for the Remote Field Through Wall Eddy Current Inspection Tool for Nuclear Pressure Tubes.
  • Atherton D. L., Szpunar J. A. and Szpunar B., Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Nondestructive Characterization of Materials, Montreal, July 21-23 (1986), Plenum Press, New York (1987) 585-593. Magnetization and Stress Effects in Steel.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J., Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Texture of Materials,ICOTOM-7 (1984), Noodwijkerhout, The Netherlands, Published by Netherlands Society for Materials Science, edited by C.M. Brakman, P. Jongerburger and E.J. Mittemeijer,707-713, The Influence of Texture and Particle Shape Distribution on the Magnetic Properties of Alnico Alloys.
  • Szpunar J., Szpunar B., Proceedings of ICOTOM-7, (1984)ibid, 715-721, Application of a Mean Field Model to the Describtion of Changes in the Magnetic Properties in Various Directions of Textured Specimen of Steel.
  • Szpunar J., Lambrick D. B., Hoon S. R., Paige D. M., Szpunar B., Proceedings of ICOTOM-7 (1984) ibid, 701-706, Magnetic Properties of Textured Magnetic Fluids.
  • Lindgard P. A., Szpunar B., Inst. Phys. Conf. No.37, chapt 5 (1978) 141, CPA Calculation of Moments and Transition Temperatures of Rare Earth - Transition Metal Alloys.
  • Szpunar B., Lindgard P. A., Riso Report No.350 (1976) pp 34, CPA Theory of the Magnetization in Rare Earth - Transition Metals Alloys.
  • Kajzar F., Szpunar B., Report of Institute of Physics and Nuclear Techniques 87/PS (1975) pp 26, Application of the Monte Carlo Method to the Calculations of Superexchange Integrals.
  • Szpunar B., Report of Institut of Physics 901 (1975) 15, The CPA Calcultions of the Magnetization in the Transition Metals - Rare Earth Metals Alloys.

·        Szpunar B., International Experts Summit on Renewable and Sustainable Energy (IESRSE2024), September 17-18, 2024, Lugano, Switzerland (moved online), DFT evaluation of selected metallic fuels to enhance safety of nuclear reactors (Abstract), invited.

·        Szpunar B, Ranasinghe J.I., Szpunar J.A, COSIRES 2024,The 16th Conference of COmputer Simulation of IRradiation Effects in Solids, Kingstone, June 16-21, 2024, DFT studies of selected metallic fuels: from electronic properties to swelling.

  • Szpunar B. 11th International Conference on Isotopes (11ICI), July 23-27, Saskatoon, Canada, 2023, Accident Tolerant Nuclear Fuels and Isotopes' Usage. (Abstract)
  • Szpunar B., Ranasinghe J.I.,  Szpunar J.A., Proceedings of 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, March 19-23 (2023), Symposium: Ceramic Materials for Nuclear Energy Research and Applications, Comparison of the electronic transport of UN and ThN versus ThC.
  • Szpunar B., Ranasinghe J.I.,  Szpunar J.A., Malakkal L., The CNS’s 15th International Conference on CANDU Fuel, 2022, August 21-24, Ajax,  SMR, Canadian, T6-2, DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF UN, THN, AND THC.
  • Ranasinghe J.I.,  Malakkal L., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., The CNS’s 15th International Conference on CANDU Fuel, 2022, August 21-24, Ajax,  Fuel Modeling 2, T9-2, Thermal properties of U3O8 and U3O8-Mo: an experimental and first-principles investigation.

·       Szpunar B., The International Chemical Congress of  Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, 2021, December 16-21, Frontiers in Actinide Chemistry: From Fundamental Systems to Practical Applications, ThN versus ThC comparison.

·       Szpunar B., EPW Virtual Summer School 2021, June 14-18, First principles investigation of thermal transport of uranium mononitride.

  • Szpunar B., Ranasinghe J.I.,  Malakkal L.,  Szpunar J.A., 2020, The Nuclear Materials Conference 26-30 October 2020 , Online Event, First principles investigation of thermal transport of uranium mononitride.
  • Szpunar B., Malakkal L.,  Ranasinghe J.I.,  Szpunar J.A., 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, February 25 (2020), Symposium: Thermal Transport in Crystalline and Non-crystalline Solids: Theory and Experiments, Session: Electron Mediated Transport and Thermoelectrics,  Investigations of the thermal conductivity of UN.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A.,  PRISM, Int. Conf. on Materials Science and Engineering, September 16-18, 2019. Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, Australia, CONNECTING WOMEN IN MATERIALS SCIENCE THROUGH MATERIALS OCEANIA CONFERENCE, COMPARISON OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY OF β SILCON CARBIDE AND THORIA.
  • Malakkal L., Prasad A, Ranasinghe J., Jossou E., Szpunar B., Bichler L.,Szpunar J., Future with Advanced Fuel Cycles”, Hilton Meadowvale, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada 2019 July 21-24, The Microstructure and Thermal Conductivity of Spark Plasma Sintered ThO2.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., APE’19: International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy, Oxford, UK, March 14-15, 2019, Application of State-of-the-Art Calculations in Design of Accident Tolerant Fuel for Safe Nuclear Energy.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., 2018-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit &Exhibition, 4th Intl. Symposium on New and Advanced Materials and Technologies in Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, 4-7 Nov., 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Application of State-of-the-Art Calculations in Design of  Accident Tolerant Nuclear Materials.
  • Ranasinghe J.I., Szpunar B., Malakkal L., and Szpunar J.A., Women in Nuclear, 15th Annual Conference, September 26th -28th, Saskatoon 2018,  A study on the enhanced thermal conductivity of aluminum dispersed fuel U3O8.
  • Ranasinghe J.I., Jossou E., Malakkal L., Szpunar B., and Szpunar J.A., 8th International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Science and Engineering, October 9-11, 2018, Ottawa, Canada, Density functional theory study on defects and fission products in U3O8.
  • Malakkal L., Szpunar B., Jossou E., Ranasinghe J.I., Szpunar J.A., 8th International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Science and Engineering, October 9-11, 2018, Ottawa, Canada, DFT calculation of thermal conductivity and mean free path of ThO2.
  • Rahman M.J., Szpunar B. and Szpunar J., 8th International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Science and Engineering, October 9-11, 2018, Ottawa, Canada, Comparison of cascade damage in pure and mixed oxide fuel.
  • Malakkal L., Ranasinghe J.I., Jossou E., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Poster presentation at the school on electron-phonon physics from first principles held at ICTP-Trieste, Italy 19-23 March 2018, First principles evaluation of thermal conductivity of UN and ThN. 
  • Szpunar B., APE’19: International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy, Oxford, UK, March 14-15, 2019, Application of State-of-the-Art Calculations in Design of Accident Tolerant Fuel for Safe Nuclear Energy (keynote).
  • Szpunar B., 2018-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit &Exhibition, 4th Intl. Symposium on New and Advanced Materials and Technologies in Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, 4-7 Nov., 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Application of State-of-the-Art Calculations in Design of Accident Tolerant Nuclear Materials (keynote).
  • Jossou E., Dzade N., Eduok, U., Szpunar B, Szpunar J.A., 38th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, Conference Proceedings, Saskatoon, Canada, June 3-6 (2018), OXIDATION BEHAVIOR OF U3Si2 IN OXYGENATED ENVIRONMENT: AN AB INITIO STUDY
  • Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A., EMN Workshop on Density Functional Theory and its Applications, Dubai, 6-10 November, 2017, Application of Density Functional Theory in designing accident tolerant nuclear fuels (invited).
  • Jossou E., Malakkal L., Szpunar B., Oladimeji D., Szpunar J.A., Materials for Nuclear Energy Proceedings of 2017 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego February 26 – March 2, 2017, A first principles study of the electronic structure, elastic and thermal properties of UB2.
  • Ranasinghe J.I., Jossou E.E., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Boer T., Tolhurst T. and Moewes A., Ab-initio study on α-U3O8. , Women in Physics, Canada 2016 Conference, Saskatoon, July 27-29, 2016, poster 33.
  • Malakkal L., Szpunar B., Zuniga J., Siripurapu R.K., Jochym P., Szpunar J.A., Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore, 28 June - 3 July 2015, First Principle calculation of thermo-mechanical properties of Thoria using Quantum Espresso.
  • Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A., The 2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 15-20 (2015) Conf. Proc., Symposium on Experimental and Theoretical Actinide Chemistry: From Fundamental Systems to Practical Applications (#42) [4A], Theoretical investigation of λ-type pre-melting transition in thoria.
  • Szpunar B., Rangacharyulu C., S. Daté, H. Ejiri, The 2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 15-20 (2015) Conf. Proc., Symposium on Isotope Production - Providing Important Materials for Research and Applications (#363) [1A], Production of medical isotopes by photo-neutron reaction.
  • Szpunar B., , Malakkal L., Siripurapu R., Zuniga C.K., Oladimeji D., Szpunar J.A., 14th International Conference on Clean Energy 2015, September 27th – October 1st, 2015, Saskatoon, Canada, Safer Nuclear Reactors with Enhanced Thermal Conductivity for Clean Energy.
  • Szpunar B., Zuniga C., Malakkal L., Siripurapu R. K., Szpunar J.A., Quantum Espresso Workshop, June 16-20, 2014, Penn State University, University Park, http://sites.psu.edu/qe2014/detailed-program/, Quantum Espresso with ipython interface for engineering students.
  • Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A., Materials, Methods & Technologies, 16th International Conference, 11–15 June 2014, Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria, Thermal conductivity in improvement of safety of nuclear fuel.
  • Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A., The Nuclear Materials Conference, 27-30 October, 2014, Clearwater Beach, Florida, Thermo-mechanical properties of thoria: A density functional studies, O8.19.
  • Saini V.K., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Griffiths M., 26th Canadian Materials Science Conference, Saskatoon, June 1-4, 2014, Simulation of Helium and Hydrogen Production in Nuclear Materials.
  • Siripurapu R.K., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., 26th Canadian Materials Science Conference, Saskatoon, June 1-4, 2014, Diffusion and activation energy of hydrogen in grain boundary of nickel.
  • Malakkal L., Siripurapu R.K., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., 26th Canadian Materials Science Conference, Saskatoon, June 1-4, 2014, Review of Thermo-mechanical Properties of SiC Using First Principles Method.
  • Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A., 26th Canadian Materials Science Conference, Saskatoon, June 1-4, 2014, Evaluation of High Temperature Properties of Thoria from First Principles.
  • Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A., The 19th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Vancouver, August 24-28th, 2014, Thoria Versus Urania Comparison.
  • Sani V., Szpunar B. and Szpunar J.A., Griffiths M., 26th Canadian Materials Science Conference, Saskatoon, June 1-4, 2014, Simulation of the effect of neutron irradiation in nickel based alloys.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Second International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Materials (ANM-2011) Mumbai, India, February 9-11 (2011) Conf. Proc. S4-A-IT-5, The Application of Density Functional Theory in Assessing Properties of Thoria and Recycled Fuels.
  • Szpunar B. and Rangacharyulu C., S. Daté, H. Ejiri, Szpunar J.A., The 2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 15-20 (2010) Conf. Proc., Symposium on Actinides and the Environment: A Multidisciplinary Look at What We Know and What We Need to Know (#38) [4E], Alternative solution for treatment of long-lived radioactive isotopes in nuclear waste.
  • Rangacharyulu C. and Szpunar B., European Nuclear Conference, Barcelona  May 30th-June 2nd (2010) Conf. Proc. Fuel Cycle, ENC 2010-A0258, Artificial Transmutation of Radioactive Nuclei by Neutron and Photon Absorptions.
  • Szpunar B. and Lewis B. J., Gordon Conference, Physical Metallurgy, Processing for Control of Microstructure Evolution and Performance: Modeling, Simulation, and Verification, July 23-28 (2000) Conf. Proc., Mapping, Monte Carlo Simulation of Solidification Processes in the Presence of Gas Bubbles.
  • Szpunar B., Erb U., Lewis L. J., Swainson I., APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, 16-20 March (1998) X23.05, Hydrogen diffusion in nanocrystalline nickel.
  • Szpunar B., Erb U., Lewis L. J., APS March Meeting, St. Louis, 18-22 March (1996) Q22 2, Modelling of the Magnetic and Elastic Properties of Nanocrystals.
  • Aus M., Szpunar B., Cheung C., Erb U., Li F., Czerwinski F., Foucard C., Szpunar J. A., APS March Meeting, St. Louis, 18-22 March (1996) Q22 3, Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Metals.
  • Szpunar B. and Erb U., IV International Conference on Advanced Materials, Cancun, August 27th - September 1st (1995) S15-P2.3, Modelling of Physical Properties of Fully Dense Nanocrystalline Materials.
  • Szpunar B., Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Boston, November 29 - December 3 (1993) G3.1, Periodic boundary cluster calculations for various C60(Rb) Structures.
  • Szpunar B., Erb U., Lewis L. J., Aust K. T., Palumbo G., APS Meeting, Seatle, 21-25 June (1993) 5th Canadian Materials Science Conference, P24, The Influence of the Structural Disorder on the Magnetic Properties of Nickel.
  • Szpunar B., Erb U., Lewis L. J., Aust K. T., Palumbo G., APS Meeting, Seatle, March 22-26 (1993), Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. , A28 3, The Influence of the Structural Disorder on the Magnetic Properties of Nickel.
  • Szpunar B., Mei C.-J. and Smith V. H., Jr., APS Meeting, Cincinnati, March 18-22 (1991), Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. , A23 1, The Role of p and d Electrons in the New Materials Related to High Temperature Superconductors.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V.H. Jr., American Chemical Society Combined Regional Meeting, New Orleans, December 5-7 (1990), 509, Electronic and Magnetic Structure of High Temperature Superconductors.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V.H. Jr., Second Canadian Materials Science Conference, Kingston, June 19-22 (1990), What Can We Learn about High Tc Superconductors from Band Structure Calculations?
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V.H. Jr., 3rd Canadian Conference on High Temperature Superconductivity, Montreal, May 4-5 (1990), PD3, Beyond the Local Spin Density (LSD) Functional Method for High Temperature Superconductors and Transition Metal Oxides.
  • Szpunar B., and Smith V. H., Jr., APS Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 12-16 (1990), Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. v. 35, I15 5 p. 478, Self-Energy and Gradient Corrections for Mott Insulators.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V. H., Jr., First Canadian Materials Science Conference, Kingston, June 21-23 (1989) S4-24, Theoretical Studies of the High T Superconductor, Bi4Sr4Ca2-xYxCu4O16 , with and without Directional Stress.
  • Szpunar B., and Smith V. H., Jr., APS Meeting, St. Louis, March 20-24 (1989), Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. v.34, p.425, A204, Exploratory studies of Bi4Sr4Ca2-xYxCu4O16.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V. H. Jr.,1988 Joint CAP/APS Congress, Universite' de Montre'al, June 20-22 (1988) Magnetic Instabilities and Their Implication for High Tc Superconductors.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V. H. Jr., Second Canadian Symposium on High Temperature Superconductivity, Vancouver, 26-29th October (1988) I5, Electronic and Magnetic Interactions in High Tc Superconductors.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V. H. Jr., Second Canadian Symposium on High Temperature Superconductivity, Vancouver, 26-29th October (1988) F1, Cluster Modelling of Superconducting Copper Oxides.
  • Szpunar B., and Smith V. H., Jr., APS Meeting, New Orlean March 21-25 (1988) Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. v.33, p.608, M710, Spin Polarised Electronic Structure Calculations for YBa2Cu3O6.
  • Szpunar B., and Smith V. H., Jr. and Smith R.W., 38th Canadian Metal Physics Conference 8th-10th June (1988), Itinerant Antiferromagnetism in Semiconductors Related to High Tc Superconductors.
  • Szpunar B., and Smith V. H., Jr. and Smith R.W., Canadian Research in High Temperature Superconductivty, October 30&31 (1987) C16, LMTO-ASA Self - consistent Spin Polarized Electronic Structure Calculations for YBa2Cu3O6.
  • Szpunar B., and Smith V. H., Jr., ibid, E3, Electronic Properties and Magnetism in High Tc Superconductors.
  • Szpunar B., Strange P., Wallace W.E., Canadian Metal Physics Conference, June 3-5 (1987) Heat of formation and magnetism of transition metal hydrides.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V. H., Jr., International Symposium on Magnetism of Intermetallic Compounds, Kyoto, Japan, April 20-22 (1987) The Influence of Local Atoms on the Local Magnetic Moment in YCo5.
  • Szpunar B., and Smith V. H., Jr., TMS Fall Meeting, Orlando, Florida, October 5-6 (1986) Conf. Proc., The Influence of Local Atoms on the Local Magnetic Moment in YCo5.
  • Szpunar B., Erb U. Aust K. T., Palumbo G., Lewis L. J., in f - Hybridization Effects on Electronic Structure, (1996), ed. by L. De Long and S. Malik, Magnetism of Advanced Materials.
  • Szpunar B., invited lecture at The Internationat School of Magnetism, Bialowieza, 21-30 June (1992), Acta Phys. Pol. A84 (1993) 21-42, Magnetism within the Limitations of the LDA Band Structure Calculations.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V.H. Jr., in Studies of High Temperature Superconductors, ed. by A. V. Narlikar, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., vol.7 (1991) pp 398., Electronic and Magnetic Structure of High Tc Cuprates and Nickelates.
  • Szpunar B. and Smith V.H. Jr., J. Solid State Chem. ( J. M. Honig Issue) 88 (1990) 217-228, Calculations of Orbital Moments in Solids.
  • Szpunar B., A Caltech White Paper on Supercomputer Applications, C3P-872, Numerical Studies in High Temperature Superconductivity: Band Structure Calculations.


PROTECTED-Proprietary technical documents that can be released by Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited

  • Szpunar B., AECL Report, 153-113870-440-004, D1 (2008), FOXSIMF 3.6.2 -Application Document.
  • Szpunar B., Corbett B.J., AECL Report, 153-113870-440-003, D1 (2008), FOXSIMF 3.6.2 -Development Document.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Report, 153-113870-440-002, D2 (2008), FOXSIMF 3.2 - Upgraded FORTRAN Translation of FOXSIM-2: Theory Addendum.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Report, 153-113870-PLA-001 (2008, January), Software Qualification Plan: FOXSIMF 2.
  • Gao F., Szpunar B., AECL Memo, 10820-03560-225-000 (2007, November 23), An approach to Calculate the Stoichiometry Deviation during Transient for ACR-1000 Application.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Memo, 153-113870-021-000 / F&FCSB-07-081 (2007, Dec. 6), Guidance on Testing of FOXSIMF 3.6.2a (Fuel Oxidation Code).
  • Szpunar B., AECL Memo, 153-113870-021-000 / F&FCSB-07-035 (2007 November), Modifications in FOXSIMF 3.6.1 Code.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Memo, CTD-117900-021-000 / F&FCSB-07-020 (2007, Dec. 5), THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE AND BINDING ENERGIES OF DOPED (Gd, Dy) URANIA AND ZIRCONIA.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Memo, CTD-117900-021-000 / F&FCSB-07-032 (2007, Dec. 5), Revised, The Mean Grain Size and Equivalent Sphere Model used in SOURCE and ELESTRES.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Memo, 153-113870-021-000, F&FCSB-07-011 (2007 February), FOXSIMF 3.6 USER MANUAL.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Report, 153-113870-440-001 (2007 February), FOXSIMF 3.2 - Upgraded FORTRAN Translation of FOXSIM-2.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Memo, 153-113870-021-000, F&FCSB-07-017 (2007 February), MODIFICATIONS IN FOXSIMF 3.2 AND FOXSIMF 3.6 CODES.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Memo, 153-117900-401-000, F&FCSB-06-052 (2007 January), Comments and Erratum on SOURCE IST 2.0P10 GBI3 DL5 Validation Exercise.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Memo, 153-113870-401-000, F&FCSB-06-080 (2006 September), Re: Comments on Equilibrium Stoichiometry Deviation and Gas Composition Calculations.
  • Szpunar B., B. Pruszkowski, AECL Letter to B.J. Lewis, RMC, 153-113870-401-000, F&FCSB-06-071 (2006 August), Comments on Equilibrium Stoichiometry Deviation and Gas Composition Calculations.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Technical Note, 153-117900-UM, D1 (2007 November), EXACT_BEH2006 (EXACT_H2006) Program Document (Part I).
  • Szpunar B., AECL Report, 153-113870-470-001, Rev. 0 (2006 June), FOXSIMF-2 - FORTRAN Translation of FOXSIM-2.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Report, 153-117900-SVR-003 (2006 June), SOURCE IST 2.0 P10: Test GBI3 DL5 Validation Exercise Report.
  • Szpunar B., Corbett B.J., AECL Memo, 153-117900-021-000 / F&FCSB-06-026 (2006 March 31), Comments On Information Transfer From ELESTRES/ELOCA Codes to SOURCE Code for BTF-104 Validation Exercise
  • Huang F., Sim Ki-Seob, Girma C., Szpunar B., AECL Report, ACR 108-113370-225-013, Rev. 0 (2006 March), ELESTRES 2.0: Validation Exercise Report for Fission Product Release and Element Internal Gas Pressure.
  • Szpunar B., Barber D.H., Dickson R.S., AECL Memo, 153-117900-021-000 / F&FCSB-06-002 (2006 January 9), SOURCE IST 2.0 Training Course.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Memo, 153-117900-021-000 / F&FCSB-05-108 (2005 November 30), Fuel Oxidation in Steam and Air for ACR Safety Analysis: Upgraded FOXSIMF 3.
  • Szpunar B., Barber D.H., AECL Memo, 153-117900-401-000 / F&FCSB-05-099 (2005 November 15), Radial Discretization and Information Transfer From ELESTRES/ELOCA Codes to SOURCE Code.
  • Oh D., Zariffeh E.K., Dickson R., Szpunar B., ACR 108-117210-225-006, Rev. 0 (2005 November), REDOU 2.0: Validation Plan.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Memo, CTD-117900-021-000 / F&FCSB-05-074 (2005 July 28), Upgrade of FOXSIM.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Memo, CTD-117900-021-000 / F&FCSB-05-068 (2005 July 22), The Mean Grain Size and Equivalent Sphere Model.
  • Szpunar B., Dickson R.S., AECL Memo, CTD-117210-021-000 / F&FCSB-05-062 (2005 June 17), The Validation of REDOU 2.0: Validation Data.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Memo, F&FCSB-05-038, (2005 April 21), Preliminary Comparison of FOXSIM, Brito and REDOU Fuel Oxidation Models.
  • Verrall R.A., Szpunar B., Zariffeh E.K., LVRF-37100-CVR-002 (2005, August), Thermal Properties of (U,Dy)O2.
  • Corbett B.J., Lemire R.J., Szpunar B., AECL Memo, CTD-117900-021-000/F&FCSB-05-036, (2005 April 12), Review of SOURCE IST 2.0 Input Files for MCE2 TM03 Validation Exercise.
  • Szpunar B., Lemire, COG OTHER PRODUCT, OP-04-2105,(2005, March), SOURCE IST 2.0b10: Test VERCORS 04 Validation Exercise Report.
  • Ball J.M., Szpunar B., COG Technical Note, TN-04-2026, (2004 February), Assessment of the Legacy Models in SMART for Iodine Washout and Radionuclide Decay.
  • Szpunar B., L.W. Dickson, AECL Report, 153-117900-440-002, Rev. 0 (2004, November), Fuel Oxidation_Reduction Simulations: Problem Definition, Development Plan and Requirements Specification.
  • Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A, 153-117900-CONF-001, CNS 6th International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Engineering, Montreal, (2004 October 13-15), The Crystal Structure of pure and doped Urania.
  • Lemire R.J., Yatabe S., Szpunar B., AECL Report, 153-117900-VR-001, Rev. 0 (2004, July), AECL Validation Results for the SOURCE IST 2.0 Validation Manual.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Memo, F&FCSB-05-002, (2005 January 10), SMART - Preliminary Verification of Decay and Buildup.
  • Corbett B.J., Lemire R.J., Szpunar B., AECL Memo, F&FCSB-04-150, (2004 December 15), Review of SOURCE IST 2.0 Input Files for MCE2 TM03 Validation Exercise.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Memo, F&FCSB-04-098, (2004 July 6), Review of a paper.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Report RC-2695, Revision 1, (2004 May), SOURCE IST 2.0: Test VERCORS 04 Validation Exercise Report.
  • Szpunar B., Dickson L.W., AECL Report ACR 108-117900-440-004 Revision 0 / RC-2691, Revision 1, (2003 April), SOURCE IST 2.0: Test HCE3 H03 Validation Exercise Report.
  • Szpunar B., Lemire R.J. AECL Report ACR 108-117900-440-002 Revision 0 / RC-2696, Revision 1, (2003 April), SOURCE IST 2.0: Test VERCORS 05 Validation Exercise Report.
  • Colins K.D., Szpunar B., Lemire R.J., AECL Technical Note, RSA-117900-225-004/F&FCSB-TN-075, (2004 April), Results of Additional Chemical Thermodynamic (FactSage) Calculations for Preparation of SOURCE IST 2.0 Lookup Tables.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Technical Note, F&FCSB-TN-072,(2004 April), LEFACT Program Document.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Technical Note F&FCSB-TN-058, (2004 March), SOURCE IST 2.0: Software Design Description of Program SOURCEMAIN.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Report, RSA-117900-SVR-001, (2004 March), Module Verification for SOURCE IST 2.0: Fission Product Vaporization Module.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Technical Note F&FCSB-TN-059, (2004 January), Module Verification for SOURCE IST 2.0: MAIN, DIFFUSION, PHASE-CHANGE and ISOTOPE.RDS.
  • Szpunar B., Fuel and Fuel Channel Safety Branch memorandum, F&FCSB-04-012, (2004 January), Verification of the fsedep0 perl program.
  • Lemire R.J., Colins K., Szpunar B., Caswell D.J., AECL Technical Note, F&FCSB-TN-074, (2004 March 17), Calculation of Fission Product Releases from Fuel for Accidents in Air: An Appropriate Fission Product Vaporization Model for SOURCE IST 2.0 and Interim Changes to the b-8 Version.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Technical Note, F&FCSB-TN-067 (2003 December 2), Correlations for thermal Properties of (U,Dy)O2 Fuel.
  • Lemire R.J., Colins K., Szpunar B., Caswell D.J., Fuel and Fuel Channel Safety Branch memorandum, F&FCSB-03-102, (2003 October 23), Calculation of Fission Product Releases from Fuel for Accidents in Air.
  • Szpunar B., Fuel and Fuel Channel Safety Branch memorandum, F&FCSB-03-109, (2003 October 23), Verification of the SRCVipp Version 0.2 Post-Processor.
  • Szpunar B., Fuel and Fuel Channel Safety Branch memorandum, F&FCSB-03-105, (2003 October 22), Verification of the pp_air_mon_el_perl .
  • Szpunar B., Fuel and Fuel Channel Safety Branch memorandum, F&FCSB-03-104, (2003 October 22), Verification of fscale_scale_air_0.c++.
  • Szpunar B., Baskes M.I. and Jochym P.T. ,AECL-CONF-1363, 8th Int. Conf. on CANDU fuel, Delawana Inn, Honey Harbour, Ontario,(2003 September 21-24), OXYGEN AND HYDROGEN DIFFUSION IN ZIRCONIA.
  • Szpunar B., Fuel and Fuel Channel Safety Branch memorandum, F&FCSB-03-031, (2003 July 11), Comments on VERCORS 04/05 SOURCE IST 2.0 Validation Exercise.
  • Lemire R.J., Caswell D.J., Colins K., Szpunar B., AECL Technical Note F&FCSB-TN-059, (2003 June 30), Proposed Limiting Temperatures for Elements in the Fuel-Surface Bin of SOURCE IST 2.0.
  • Szpunar B., Fuel and Fuel Channel Safety Branch memorandum, F&FCSB-03-068, (2003 June 26), Verification of the SRCVipp Version 0.1 Post-Processor.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Memo Note F&FCSB-03-087, (2003 September 29), Importance of Surface Roughness and Cracks in Gas Releases in SOURCE IST 2.0 Code Simulations.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Memo Note F&FCSB-031, (2003 April 4), Comments on VERCORS 04 SOURCE IST 2.0 Validation Exercise.
  • Szpunar B., AECL Memo Note F&FCSB-03-018, (2003 February 28), Quality Assurance in SOURCE IST 2.0 Validation Exercises.
  • Szpunar B., Verral R., AECL Memo Note FSB-02-084, (2002), Summary of Thermal Properties of (U, Dy)O2 Fuel.
  • Szpunar B., COG Technical Note F&FCSB-TN-02-2080, (2002), Thermal Properties of Urania as a Function of Burnup and Stoichiometry.