Progress meeting on the development of UN fuel, Nov. 18-19, 2024, Westinghouse, Pittsburgh, DFT Studies of Electronic Properties and Effect of He and Xe
Incorporation in UN and Other, Selected Metallic Fuels. invited International Experts Summit on
Renewable and Sustainable Energy (IESRSE2024), August 05-07, 2024, Lugano,
Switzerland, moved to September 17-18, online, Szpunar B., DFT evaluation of selected metallic fuels
to enhance safety of nuclear reactors , invited. COSIRES 2024,The 16th Conference of COmputer Simulation of IRradiation Effects
in Solids, Kingstone, June 16-21, 2024, Szpunar B, Ranasinghe
J.I., Szpunar J.A, DFT studies of
selected metallic fuels: from electronic properties to swelling. CNS, 43rd Annual Conference from June 16 to 19, 2024,
Saskatoon, Ranasinghe J.I., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A.,
Thermal conductivity of molybdenum and
molybdenum-doped U3O8 fuels Materials Modelling and Simulation
for Nuclear Fuels (MMSNF) Workshop, Hamilton, Nov. 28-30, 2023, ., Szpunar
J.A, Ranasinghe J.I., Szpunar B., Novel
Microstructural Design of Nuclear Fuels for Future Gen IV and Small Modular
Reactors The 21st International
Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems
– Water Reactors, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, August 6-10, 2023, Ranasinghe
J.I., Szpunar B., Szpunar J.A., Urania fuel degradation to U3O8
and point defects and fission products studies. 11th
International Conference on Isotopes (11ICI), July 23-27, Saskatoon, Canada,
2023, Szpunar B., Accident Tolerant Nuclear Fuels and Isotopes'
Usage (Invited) UN Summer
Meeting, Organised by Westiinghouse, July 20-26, 2023 Online, Szpunar B., First-principles investigation of the
electronic-thermal transport of ThN, UN and ThC (Invited) TopFuel2023,
18-21 July 2023, Xi’an, China , Szpunar B.,THN’s LATTICE-ASSISTED THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY REVISITED. 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego,
March 19-23 (2023), Symposium:
Seaborg Institutes: Emerging Topics in Actinide
Materials and Science, Szpunar B., Ranasinghe J.I., Szpunar J.A.,, Comparison
of the electronic transport of UN and ThN versus ThC. PEP Research
Informa0on Session & Student-Faculty Mixer – Tuesday November 29, 2022: Advanced Materials for
SMRs Departmental
Physics and Engineering Physics Seminar, USASK, 2022, September 20, Saskatoon, Enhanced
Accident Tolerant Nuclear Fuels and Small Modular Reactor for Saskatchewan. The CNS’s 15th
International Conference on CANDU Fuel, 2022, August
21-24, Ajax, Canada, SMR,
International Chemical Congress of
Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, 2021, December 16-21, Frontiers
in Actinide Chemistry: From Fundamental Systems to Practical Applications, ThN versus ThC comparison. EPW Virtual
Summer School 2021, June 14-18, Szpunar B., First principles investigation of thermal transport of uranium
mononitride., poster. The 6th Nuclear
Materials Conference 26-30 October 2020 , Online Event, Szpunar B.,
Ranasinghe J.I., Malakkal L., Szpunar J.A., 2020,
First principles investigation of
thermal transport of uranium mononitride., poster. 2020 TMS Annual
Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, February 25 (2020), Symposium:
Thermal Transport in Crystalline and Non-crystalline Solids: Theory and
Experiments, Session: Electron
Mediated Transport and Thermoelectrics, Szpunar B., Malakkal L., Ranasinghe J.I., Szpunar J.A.,, Investigations of the thermal conductivity of UN, (invited). PRISM, Int. Conf. on Materials Science
and Engineering, September 16-18, 2019. Pullman Melbourne Albert Park,
THORIA (invited) 14th International Conference
on CANDU Fuel, “Powering a Greener Future with Advanced Fuel Cycles”, Hilton
Meadowvale, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada 2019 July 21-24, Structural Stability of SiC. APE’19: International Conference on Innovative
Applied Energy, Oxford, UK, March 14-15, 2019, Application of State-of-the-Art Calculations in Design of Accident
Tolerant Fuel for Safe Nuclear Energy (keynote). Joint TOPATF-EGATFL Meeting, OECD/NEA Headquarters,
46, Quai Alphonse Le Gallo, Boulogne-Billancourt, 4 March 2019, Exploring Enhanced Safety of Nuclear
Reactors via Experiential Learning about ATF. 2018-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
&Exhibition, 4th Intl. Symposium on New and Advanced Materials and
Technologies in Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, 4-7 Nov., 2018,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Application of
State-of-the-Art Calculations in Design of Accident Tolerant Nuclear Materials (keynote). 8th International Conference on
Simulation Methods in Nuclear Science and Engineering, October 9-11, 2018,
TOLERANCE OF THORIA-BASED NUCLEAR FUELS. 38th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, Saskatoon, Canada, June 3-6, 2018, MECHANICAL
PROPERTIES OF THORIA, URANIA AND THEIR MIXTURE. The EMN Meeting on Computation and Theory, November
6-10, 2017, Dubai, Application of
Density Functional Theory in designing accident tolerant nuclear fuels,
(invited). Workshop on Accident Tolerant Nuclear Fuel,
University of Saskatchewan, October 1st, 2017, Thoria and other alternatives to urania. New course about ATF,
(co-organiser) Los Alamos. August 4th, 2017, Application of Density Functional Theory
in designing accident tolerant nuclear fuels. The International Conference on Composite Material,
Polymer Science and Engineering, June 24-25, 2017, Toyama, Japan, ACCIDENT TOLERANT COMPOSITE NUCLEAR FUELS,
(invited, plenary) Materials for Nuclear Energy, 2017 TMS Annual
Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego,
March 2 (2017) First Principles
Investigations of Alternative Nuclear Fuels. EMN
Meeting on texture and microstructure, Hong Kong, December 18 to 22 (2016) The effect of texture and temperature on
Young’s and share moduli of thoria.(invited). City
University, Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, Hong Kong,
December 16th (2016) Multidisciplinary
Reactor Safety Analysis and Accident Tolerant Nuclear Fuels. 13th
International Conference on CANDU Fuel, Kingston, August 15-18 (2016), First Principles Studies of Thermal
Conductivity of Nuclear Fuel Materials. The
fifth annual Women in Physics Canada (WIPC) conference, Canada, Saskatoon, July
27-29, 2016 at the University of Saskatchewan, Women In Nuclear:Why are
there so few?, note Maria Curie Sklodowska named most influential women
in history by BBC (invited). Joint
UOIT-IAEA Course on Science and Technology of Supercritical Water-Cooled
Reactors , UOIT, 2016, July 6th, Session VIII: Nuclear Fuels, Multiscale
Simulations of Accident Tolerant Nuclear Fuel (Lecture is included as a pdf
file, invited). 36th
Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, Canada, W3B, June
19-22 (2016), First Principles
Molecular Dynamics Studies of Oxygen Sub-Lattice Melting in Thoria. Meeting
at CANDU Energy Inc., Mississauga, June 21st, 2016, Multi-scale Simulations of Accident Tolerant Nuclear Fuel. The
2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem),
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 15-20 (2015) Conf. Proc., Symposium on
Experimental and Theoretical Actinide Chemistry: From Fundamental Systems to
Practical Applications (#42) [4A], Theoretical
investigation of λ-type pre-melting transition in thoria. The
2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem),
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 15-20 (2015) Conf. Proc., Symposium on
Isotope Production - Providing Important Materials for Research and
Applications (#363) [1A], Production of
medical isotopes by photo-neutron reaction. 14th
International Conference on Clean Energy 2015, September 27th – October 1st,
2015, Saskatoon, Canada, Safer Nuclear Reactors with Enhanced Thermal
Conductivity for Clean Energy University
of Saskatchewan, Computational Workshop, August 31st, 2015, Multi-scale Simulations. (organizer). 3rd
International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Technology for
Manufacturing Growth, August 1-2, 2015, in Vancouver, Canada, Multi-scale Simulation of Thoria-SiC
Composites. 3rd
World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering, TMS,
May 31st-June 4th, 2015, Colorado Springs, An Interface to Quantum ESPRESSO. University
of Saskatchewan, Int. Workshop of Laser Compton Scattering Gamma Rays at
Electron Storage Rings, November 7-11, 2014,, Estimate of Production of Medical Isotopes and Transmutation of
Nuclear Waste by Photo-Neutron Reaction at the Canadian Light Source (invited). 3rd
NuMat Meeting, Clearwater Beach, Florida, October 27-30, 2014, Thermo-mechanical properties of thoria: Department
of Physics & Engineering Physics, University of Saskatchewan , 7th
October, 2014, University of
Saskatchewan,, Nuclear Reactor Safety and Accident Tolerant Fuel (invited). 19th
Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Vancouver, 24-28th August, 2014, Thoria versus urania comparison. Materials,
Methods & Technologies, 16th Int. Conf., Elenite Holiday Village,
Bulgaria, 11–15 June 2014, Thermal
conductivity in improvement of safety of nuclear fuel. 26th
Canadian Materials Science Conference, University of Saskatchewan, 1-4 June
2014, Evaluation of High Temperature
Properties of Thoria from First Principles. Elenite
Holiday Village, BulgariaUniversity of Saskatchewan, Department of Physics
and Engineering Physics, Saskatoon, September 19, 2013, A Multidisciplinary Look at the Safety of Nuclear Reactor. 1st
Annual International Conference on Physics & Chemistry, 22-25 July 2013,
Athens, Greece (invited), Multidisciplinary Reactor Safety Studies: Application of
First Principles Calculation. University
of Saskatchewan, the 24th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics,
June 2-6, 2013, Application of Density Functional Theory in Assessing
Elastic Properties of Thoria. University
of Saskatchewan, LCS@CLS workshop, January
18&19, 2013, (invited), Simulations of Transmutations Induced by a
Beamline at the Canadian Light Source in Conjunction with a CO2
Laser System. University
of Saskatchewan, Symposium in memory of Dr. Sylvia Fedoruk: Innovation in
Nuclear Medicine in Saskatchewan, January 15, 2013, Conventional and alternative methods for production of
medical isotopes explored by simulations. University
of Saskatchewan, Hitachi Japan SMR, Saskatoon, December 6th, 2012, Multi-scale Modeling of Materials Characteristics for
Performance and Advancement in Research on Medical Isotopes The
second FLUKA advanced course and workshop, Triumf, Vancouver, September
15-20, 2012,, A Simple
Estimate of Production of Medical Isotopes by Photo-Neutron Reaction at the
Canadian Light Source.
33rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society,
Saskatoon, Canada, 3A/138, June 10-13, 2012, A Simple Estimate of Production of Medical isotopes by
Photo-neutron Reaction at the Canadian Light Source
33rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society,
Saskatoon, Canada, 2D/131, June 10-13, 2012, Properties of Recycled Fuels; Density Functional Theory
Canada - India Symposium on Materials for Clean Energy January 22-25, 2012, Saskatoon
(invited), Ceria versus urania; first principles calculation.
Polish-Canadian Scientific Society of Saskatoon, University of
Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, April 5, 2011, Transmutations - medical isotopes
and nuclear waste.
International Conference on ADVANCES IN NUCLEAR MATERIALS (ANM-2011)
February 9-11, 2011, Mumbai, India, The Application of Density Functional Theory in Assessing
Properties of Thoria and Recycled Fuels.
1st ISTP GITA Indo-Canadian Workshop, Goa, India, January 14-16, 2011
(invited), An AB INITIO Study of Properties of Nuclear Materials.
The 2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies
(Pacifichem), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 15-20, 2010, Alternative solution for treatment
of long-lived radioactive isotope sin nuclear waste
University of Saskatchewan, Department of Physics and Engineering
Physics, Saskatoon, September 9, 2010, Simulation of photon-nuclear
interaction in production of medical isotopes and transmutation of nuclear
waste. GEH,
Wilmington, NC, October 21st, 2010, Current activities in fundamental simulations of the
interaction and transport of particles in matter and modeling of properties
of nuclear materials. The
first FLUKA advanced course and workshop, Ericeira, Portugal, October 4-8,
2010,, Simulation of photon-nuclear interaction in production of
medical isotopes and transmutation of nuclear waste. 11th
International Conference on CANDU Fuel, Niagara Falls, Canada, October 17-20,
2010, Structural and Mechanical Properties of Urania Oxidized to
3rd International Conference on Uranium, 40th Annual Hydrometallurgy
Meeting, Uranium, Saskatoon, Canada, August 15-18, 2010, Theoretical Investigation of Structural and Mechanical
Properties of Uranium Oxides.
The 4th Yamada Symposium on Advanced Photons and Science Evolution
2010, June 14-18, 2010, Osaka Japan, XV (invited), Simulation
of photon-nuclear interaction in production of medical isotopes and
transmutation of nuclear waste (Listed on as: The present and
perspectives of CLS and nuclear transmutation).
31st Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society, Montreal,
Canada, T16, May 24-27, 2010, Photo Production of Isotopes for Medical and Industrial
Canadian Light Source (CLS) Saskatoon, Canada, April 21-23, 2010, invited
talk at Laser Electron Scatter Photons at Light Sources for Nuclear &
Allied Research Workshop Monte
Carlo simulations of artificial transmutation for nuclear waste management,
medical isotope production and photo fission.
University of Saskatchewan, Department of Physics and Engineering
Physics, Saskatoon, November 12, 2009, Multi-scale nuclear fuel modeling.
30th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear
Society, Calgary, Canada, T3, May 31 - June 3, 2009, The Crystal structure and Elastic Properties of Pure and Dy Doped
30th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T3, May 31 - June 3, 2009, Onset of the Local Magnetic Moment on Nb in Zirconia.
Queen's University, Department of Mechanical and Materials
Engineering, Kingston, February 17, 2009, Small
scale CANDU fuel modeling. 10th International Conference on
CANDU Fuel, Ottawa, October 5-8, 2008, Fuel oxidation in steam-rich gas
SP, AECL, Meeting on Fuel Oxidation in Advanced CANDU Reactors, June
16, 2008, FOXSIMF 3.6.2.
F*A*C*T Conference, Montreal, May 14, 2008, Binding Energies, Crystal Structure and Stability of Doped
ELESTRES User’s Group Meeting, SP, AECL, November 8, 2006, FOXSIMF, Recent Activities at AECL.
SOURCE IST, User’s Group Meeting, COG, Toronto, June 15, 2006, Highlights on EXACT modification for ELESTRES – SOURCE
data transfer.
F*A*C*T Conference, Montreal, May 17, 2006, The Crystal Structure of Pure and Doped Uranium
9th International Conference on CANDU Fuel; CANDU Fuel, Belleville,
September 18-21, 2005, Atomistic simulations of Zr-O-H systems.
ELESTRES IST User’s Group Meeting, AECL SP, December 14, 2004, Martin’s model for thermal expansion?
CNS Sixth International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear
Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, October 12-15, 2004, The Crystal Structure of Pure and Doped Urania.
3rd Workshop on Fuel Oxidation Behaviour, RMC, Kingston, August 26-27,
ELESTRES IST User’s Group Meeting, AECL SP, June 23, 2004, SOURCE IST 2.0 α–9f VERCORS 04 Validation Exercise: ELESTRES-IST 1.0
versus Canflex 1.1
SOURCE IST User’s Group Meeting, AECL SP, June 21, 2004, Fuel Oxidation Model.
UOIT, February 2, 2004, Small
Scale Modeling of CANDU Fuel.
8th International Conference on CANDU Fuel; CANDU Fuel, Honey Harbour,
September 21-24, 2003, Oxygen and Hydrogen Diffusion in Zirconia.
ELESTRES User’s Group Meeting, AECL SP, June 3, 2003, Data Transfer from ELESTRES to SOURCE
AECL, Chalk River laboratories, December 9, 2002, Computer Simulations for CANDU Fuel Rods During Accidents.
Queen's University, November 15, 2002, Computer Simulations for CANDU Fuel Rods During Severe
Seoul National University, School of Materials and Engineering, July
2, 2002, Computer Simulations of Materials Failure for CANDU Fuel
Rods During Severe Accidents.
CAMECO, October 5, 2001, Modeling CANDU Fuel Rods During Accidents.
Seventh International Conference on CANDU Fuel; CANDU Fuel for the
Future, Kingston, September 23-27, 2001:
University of Western Ontario, Applied Mathematics, Western Science
Centre, July 6, 2001, Modeling CANDU Fuel Rods During Accidents.
RMC, SOURCE-2 Gap Transport Meeting, Kingston, August 17, 2000:
Queen's University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, March 18,
1999, Modeling Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials.
Queen's University, Physics Department, 4th June 1998, Modeling Properties of New Engineering Materials.
IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, September 19, 1997, Modeling Magnetic Properties of Advanced Materials.
APS March Meeting, St. Louis, 18-22 March, 1996, Modeling of the Magnetic and Elastic Properties of Nanocrystals.
CIM 33rd Annual Conference of
Metallurgists, August 23, 1994, Toronto, The Molecular Dynamics and the Local Spin Density
Approximation Modeling of the Structural Disorder and the Magnetic Properties of
Grain Boundaries.
University of Northern British Columbia, March 21, 1994, Molecular-Dynamics and Local-Spin Density Calculations of
Structural Disorder and Electronic Structure in Nanocrystals.
OCMR Annual Networking Meeting, Nottawasaga Inn, Alliston, Ontario,
October 1, 1993, Modeling of Structural Disorder in Crystalline and
Amorphous Nickel.
Laurentian University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Sudbury,
13th April, 1992, Electronic Structure Studies of Solid C60 -Rb and other High Temperature Superconductors.
VI International School on Magnetism, Bialowieza, June 21-30, 1992, Magnetism Within the Limitations of the LDA Band Structure
NSERC-CAP Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics. Workshop on Density Functional
Theory: Methods and Applications, Kingston, July 5-11, 1992, Limitations of the LDA in the Context of Band-Structure
University of Calgary, Department of Physics and Astronomy, September
21, 1992, Are Buckyballs and High Tc Superconductors Related?
University of Regina, Department of Physics and Astronomy, September
28, 1992, Are Buckyballs and High Tc Superconductors Related?
Max Planck Institute für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart, Federal
Republic of Germany,May 8, 1991, The C60
Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, 16th October, 1991, Electronic Structure Studies of Solid C60 -Rb and other High Temperature Superconductors.
Queen's University, Department of Materials and Metallurgical
Engineering, Kingston, 28th November, 1991, What Can We Learn from Electronic Structure Studies about
Doped C60 and other High
Temperature Superconductors.
Queen's University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, January
11, 1990, The Electronic Structure of High Tc Superconductors.
University of Guelph, Physics Department, April 25, 1990, The Electronic Structure Calculations for High Tc
Xerox Research Centre, May 24, 1990, The Electronic Structure of High Tc
University of Waterloo, Physics Department, September 13, 1990, What can we learn about high Tc superconductors
from band structure calculations?
University of Ottawa, Physics Department, September 17, 1990, What Can we Learn About High Tc Superconductors from Band Structure Calculations?
University of Alberta, Physics Department, November 2, 1990, What can we learn about high Tc superconductors from band structure calculations?
Queen's University, Physics Department, January 24, 1989, Recent Progress and Band Structure Calculations for the
New High Tc Superconductors.
Simon Fraser University, Physics Department, January 27, 1989, LMTO-ASA Electronic Structure Calculations for High Tc Superconductors.
Fourth International Conference on Supercomputing and Third World Supercomputer Exhibition, Santa
Clara April 30-May 5, 1989, Supercomputing and High - Temperature Superconductivity.
International Conference on the Physics of Highly Correlated Electron
Systems, Santa Fe (September 11-15, 1989), Antiferromagnetism and Semiconductivity.
National Research Council, Division of Physics, April 12, 1988, Electronic Structure and Magnetic Instabilities in High Tc
Seminar on Applications of High Temperature Superconductivity,
November 14, 1988, McGill University, Electronic Structure of High Tc Superconductors.
Queen's University, Physics Department, November 4, 1987, Electronic Properties and Magnetism in High Tc Superconductors. |